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Unrankedsmurf: What is Unrankedsmurf?

Unrankedsmurf ( is an online account-selling marketplace. Although the website doesn’t focus on too many games, instead opting to only sell accounts for League of Legends and Valorant, it has managed to build a dedicated consumer base, and its high number of reviews reflects that.

Although it’s unknown when the website was first founded, the oldest trace we found was from 2017, suggesting that Unrankedsmurf was either founded in 2017 or earlier. With over 7 years since its inception, it’s no surprise it has managed to stay relevant even through all of the trend changes.

Founding History

Although there’s no official date for when the website was initially founded, using websiteage [1] we can deduce that the website has been around since around January 2019. However, that isn’t when Unrankedsmurf was created.

By digging around a little more we were able to discover that Unrankedsmurf was putting out blogposts even in 2017 [2]. This indicates that while the website was still around the selling accounts as it is now, it likely went by a different name or had a different domain name.

It should be noted that Unratedsmurf also has a boosting service website that tends to go under the radar. It’s called Boostingboss and it was founded by the same team as Unrankedsmurf [3] in February 2021. In the blog post announcing BoostingBoss, UnrankedSmurf stated that they have been offering account-selling services for “the last six years,” suggesting they might have begun their operations in 2015.

Offered Services

As we mentioned above, Unrankedsmurf keeps things simple by simply offering account-selling services for two Riot games. The games are League of Legends and Valorant, although the website is definitely more known in the League of Legends community as compared to the Valorant one, maybe because of the high number of Valorant account-selling websites.

Firstly, let us highlight the League of Legends accounts the website sells. The first category is buying accounts based on skins. This means that the account you purchase will already have the mentioned champion skin, which is usually a legendary skin or one of high rarity that players can’t purchase anymore.

Alternatively, there are ranked, unranked, and PBE accounts that players can purchase. Naturally, the higher the rank of the account, the higher the cost of purchasing it will be, and it’s usually more expensive than hiring a professional booster to boost an account for you.

Finally, there are the Valorant accounts Unrankedsmurf sells. Valorant only has two categories that players can choose from; those being ranked and unranked. The ranked accounts follow the same basic rule as the LoL accounts, which is the higher the rank the higher the cost.

Server Controversies

Despite being around for so long, Unrankedsmurf has been in a surprisingly less amount of controversy. Of course, that doesn’t mean the website hasn’t been in hot water at all, as we want to highlight two specific instances where the website ended up losing some users.

The first is around the start of the website’s creation in 2017 when it would do very frequent bait giveaway posts. While giveaways are well and good when done in moderation, they attracted a bunch of bots and users who created multiple accounts just for a chance at winning the giveaways. While this was a decent strategy to bring initial traffic to the website, it eventually ended up doing the opposite for some.

The giveaway controversy, however, might seem a little tame when compared to the other controversy the website has been in. Several former customers have reported that when they bought an account from Unrankedsmurf, while they got the login credentials, those credentials ended up being false. That isn’t the end of it, however, as one specific customer stated on Trustpilot that they emailed customer support.

Trustpilot review

However, the Unrankedsmurf customer support ended up ghosting the customer, after which a seemingly automated reply to the review asked the person to send a message to the same email they were already contacting to no avail. Trustpilot then informed the customer that their review was marked as a scam by Unrankedsmurf, raising a bunch of red flags and making some users wonder if the website has so many positive reviews because they flag the negative ones as scams.

Customer Reviews

When it comes to Trustpilot [4], the website has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 which is respectable. With over 200 reviews, 4% of reviews are 1-star, 90% are perfect 5-star reviews, and the rest are in between.

Most of the 5-star reviews talk about how they’re recurring customers for the website and have made multiple purchases with little to no issues. The negative ones, meanwhile, usually talk about the customer service of Unrankedsmurf and heavily criticize it.

While Unrankedsmurf’s Trustpilot is respectable, the website advertises its page [5] more, as indicated by how there’s a section on the website dedicated to it. It’s no surprise why the website advertises the page more as it has over 8,000 individual reviews and 98% have recommended the website’s services.

However, since is comparatively less trustworthy when compared to Trustpilot, some potential customers feel as though Unrankedsmurf might either by faking reviews, which would explain the large number of anonymous reviews, or manipulate them by telling customers to leave positive reviews.


  1. [1] "Website age checker". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Unrankedsmurf 2017 blog". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  3. [3] "Unrankedsmurf blog introducing BoostingBoss". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  4. [4] "Unrankedsmurf Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  5. [5] "Unrankedsmurf". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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