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New League Skins in Season 12
Jack Willa
20 May 2024
The beautiful League of Legends has been there since 2009. Throughout these great years, the Developers of LoL have always made sure to bring out very cool skins to the players, bringing us a whopping 1503 available skins as of February 2022.
Is it worth buying LoL Skins?
It's no secret that LoL Skins bring you a better feeling when you play as well as it brings eyes on you that you have these fancy skins. But are those pixels are actually worth it? It depends if you enjoy the game and you think that you spend a lot of time playing then it is worth it. By buying skins you also support the hard work of the game developers and most likely motivate them to bring more and more to your favorite game. Skins are worth it when it's necessary, if you don't mind spending some extra bucks for your enjoyment then why not?
Recently, the game launched its 12th and as always, brought us a very cool set of new fancy skins. Let's dig in.
New Elderwood Skins:
The Devs brings us some more cool Elderwood Skins, this time it is for Gnar and Rek'Sai.
Elderwood Gnar:
Price: 1350 RP
Elderwood Rek'Sai:
Price: 1350 RP
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